Chailengta, Dhalai Dist, Tripura-799273
+91-700 504 0936

Academic Details


 1. 85% attendance is a must for every student for promotion. If the student is absent for more than three consecutive days. He / She should submit
     documents stating his/her reasons of absence to the Principal.
 2. Regular attendance at school is in the interest of the student. It builds up a sense of devotion to duty and a habit for regularity and discipline.
 3. The students should arrive on time to the school. Parent's Co-operation will be much appreciated so that punctuality may be ensured.


 1. Parents are requested to see that their children attend school punctually and to ensure that those who come to take children home are there at
     the time school closes.
 2. Parents and guardians are requested not to meet their children or interview a teacher during school hours without the permission of the principal
     as the member of the staff may not leave the class room during a teaching period.
 3. Parents are requested not to take their children for holidays before the set date for vacation or to extend the vacation. No leave of absence for
    the child will be granted without a previous written application from the guardian.
 4. All correspondence regarding the students are to be addressed to the principal.
 5. Parents are requested to co-operate with the work of the school by enforcing regularity and discipline by taking a general interest in children's
     progress. Parents should check the school calendar everyday for any remarks, homework or holidays.
 6. After every examination the guardians are requested to look into the performance of their students and put their signature on the progress report.
 7. If any pupil is sick, parents are requested not to send the pupil to school.


Website Last Updated On : Oct 09, 2024